
Cooking Hacks: 10 Game-Changing Substitutes for Vegetable Oil In Cooking

Substitutes for Vegetable Oil In Cooking

When it comes to cooking, vegetable oil is a staple ingredient in many recipes. However, there are times when you might find yourself out of vegetable oil or looking for a healthier alternative. The good news is that there are plenty of substitutes that can not only save the day but also add unique flavors to your dishes. In this article, we will explore 10 game-changing substitutes for vegetable oil in cooking that will take your culinary skills to the next level. Whether you’re making brownies, frying, baking cookies, or cooking chicken or bread, we’ve got the perfect alternatives for you. Plus, we’ll explore healthy options and even help you determine the right amount of butter to substitute for vegetable oil. Let’s get started!

Here Are 10 Substitutes for Vegetable Oil In Cooking

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is not just a heart-healthy option; it’s also a versatile substitute for vegetable oil. It adds a rich, slightly fruity flavor to your dishes and works well for sautéing, frying, and baking. Extra virgin olive oil is the best choice for maximum flavor.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a trendy choice in the culinary world due to its subtle coconut aroma and smooth texture. It’s perfect for high-heat cooking methods, such as stir-frying, and imparts a unique tropical twist to your recipes.

3. Avocado Oil

For a neutral-tasting oil with a high smoke point, consider avocado oil. It’s a great choice for frying and searing, and it won’t overshadow the natural flavors of your ingredients.

4. Butter

Butter adds a delightful richness to your dishes and works wonderfully in baking. It’s an excellent substitute for vegetable oil when you’re looking to enhance the flavor of cookies, cakes, and pastries.

5. Ghee

Ghee, or clarified butter, is a traditional Indian cooking fat that’s gaining popularity worldwide. It has a nutty, caramelized flavor and is fantastic for frying, sautéing, and even drizzling over popcorn.

6. Applesauce

When it comes to baking, especially in healthier recipes, unsweetened applesauce can replace vegetable oil. It introduces moisture and a subtle touch of inherent sweetness to your baked treats.

7. Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent substitute for vegetable oil in recipes that require moisture. It’s especially useful in marinades, dressings, and some baked goods, adding a creamy texture and a tangy twist.

8. Nut Butters

Nut butters like almond and peanut butter can be used in place of vegetable oil in certain recipes. They bring a nutty flavor and a dose of healthy fats to your dishes.

9. Bacon Fat

For a burst of flavor, consider using bacon fat when you’re cooking savory dishes. It’s perfect for frying, adding a smoky, savory note to your meals.

10. Lard

Lard, rendered pork fat, is a classic choice for flaky pie crusts and flavorful fried foods. While it’s not the healthiest option, it certainly brings an unmatched taste and texture to your cooking.

Substitute for Vegetable Oil for Frying:

Substitute for Vegetable Oil for Frying

When you run out of vegetable oil for frying, there are several alternatives that can work just as well. Here are some substitutes you can use for frying:

  1. Canola Oil: Canola oil is a versatile and neutral-flavored oil that is a great substitute for vegetable oil in frying. With its elevated smoke point, it becomes an ideal choice for deep-frying purposes.
  2. Peanut Oil: Peanut oil is another excellent choice for frying due to its high smoke point and mild flavor. It’s commonly used in Asian cooking and is known for producing crispy and golden results.
  3. Sunflower Oil: Sunflower oil has a high smoke point, making it a good substitute for vegetable oil when frying. It has a neutral taste and won’t impart a strong flavor to your dishes.
  4. Corn Oil: Corn oil is a popular frying oil with a high smoke point. It works well for frying a variety of foods and is readily available in most kitchens.
  5. Olive Oil (Light or Extra Light): While extra virgin olive oil is not recommended for frying due to its low smoke point, light or extra light olive oil can be used for frying. They have a higher smoke point and a milder flavor.
  6. Coconut Oil: Unrefined coconut oil can be used for frying, especially for dishes with tropical or Asian flavors. It adds a subtle coconut aroma to your food.
  7. Avocado Oil: Avocado oil has a very high smoke point and is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats. It’s a great option for frying, and it won’t overpower the flavor of your dishes.
  8. Grapeseed Oil: Grapeseed oil is known for its high smoke point and neutral taste, making it suitable for deep frying and sautéing.
  9. Soybean Oil: Soybean oil is commonly used in commercial frying due to its affordability and high smoke point. It’s a practical substitute for vegetable oil in large-scale frying.
  10. Animal Fats (Lard or Tallow): Traditionally, lard and tallow have been used for frying, and they impart a unique, savory flavor to fried foods. They work well for frying items like fried chicken and French fries.

Remember that the choice of substitute may affect the flavor and aroma of your dish to some extent. It’s best to use an oil that complements the flavors of your recipe. Additionally, always be cautious when deep-frying and use a thermometer to monitor the oil’s temperature to prevent over-heating and ensure your safety in the kitchen.

Substitutes for Vegetable Oil in Cooking Cookies:

When you’re baking cookies and find yourself out of vegetable oil there are several substitutes that can be used to maintain the deliciousness of your homemade treats. Here are some great alternatives for vegetable oil in cookie recipes:

  1. Butter: Butter is a classic and flavorful substitute for vegetable oil in cookie recipes. Use an equal amount of melted butter, and it will add a rich, buttery taste to your cookies.
  2. Margarine: Margarine, especially the stick form, can be used as a 1:1 substitute for vegetable oil in cookie recipes. Look for a margarine with a high fat content for the best results.
  3. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil can be used in place of vegetable oil for a unique twist on your cookie’s flavor. Use melted coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio, but be aware that it may impart a mild coconut flavor to your cookies.
  4. Applesauce: Unsweetened applesauce can be a healthy substitute for vegetable oil in cookie recipes. Replace oil with applesauce in a 1:1 ratio for a softer, moister cookie. Keep in mind that this will reduce the fat content of your cookies.
  5. Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt can add moisture and a tangy flavor to your cookies. Replace vegetable oil with an equal amount of plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt.
  6. Banana: Mashed ripe banana can work as a substitute for vegetable oil in cookie recipes. Use approximately half a mashed banana for each cup of vegetable oil, and enjoy the natural sweetness it adds.
  7. Avocado: Mashed ripe avocado is a healthy alternative for vegetable oil in cookies. It adds healthy fats and creaminess. Use a 1:1 ratio for the best results.
  8. Nut Butters: Nut butters like peanut butter, almond butter, or cashew butter can add a rich and nutty flavor to your cookies. Substitute an equal amount of nut butter for vegetable oil. Keep in mind that this will alter the flavor of your cookies.
  9. Pumpkin Puree: Pumpkin puree can be used to replace vegetable oil in cookie recipes. It adds a subtle earthy flavor and moisture. Use a 1:1 ratio.
  10. Silken Tofu: Silken tofu can be blended and used as a substitute for vegetable oil in cookies. Use a 1:1 ratio, and it will provide moisture without altering the flavor significantly.

When substituting in cookie recipes, keep in mind that the flavor and texture of your cookies may be influenced by your choice. Experiment with these alternatives to find the one that best complements your desired cookie outcome.

Healthy Substitute for Vegetable Oil in Cooking:

If you’re looking for a healthy substitute for oil in your cooking, there are several options that can reduce the fat content and still provide great flavor and texture to your dishes. Here are some healthy alternatives to cooking oil:

  1. Olive Oil (in Moderation): Extra virgin olive oil is a source of healthy monounsaturated fats. While it’s not suitable for high-heat cooking due to its low smoke point, you can use it in moderate amounts for sautéing and low-heat cooking to add flavor and health benefits.
  2. Avocado: Mashed or pureed avocado is an excellent replacement for oil in many recipes. Avocado is rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, making it a nutritious option.
  3. Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt can be used to replace oil in baking recipes, such as muffins or cakes. It adds moisture and a creamy texture while increasing protein content.
  4. Applesauce: Unsweetened applesauce is a common substitute for oil in baking. It reduces fat content and provides natural sweetness. It’s a great choice for muffins, brownies, and other baked goods.
  5. Mashed Banana: Mashed ripe banana can be used to replace oil in recipes for baked goods like pancakes and muffins. It adds natural sweetness and moisture.
  6. Nut Butters: Nut butters like almond, peanut, or cashew butter can replace oil in various recipes. They add richness and healthy fats to your dishes. Use them in moderation.
  7. Silken Tofu: Blended silken tofu can replace oil in creamy dressings, dips, and desserts. It’s a source of plant-based protein and provides a silky texture.
  8. Coconut Milk: For recipes with a tropical twist, light coconut milk can replace oil, especially in curries and some baked goods. It adds a subtle coconut flavor and creaminess.
  9. Chicken or Vegetable Broth: Instead of sautéing in oil, you can use broth to cook vegetables and proteins. It reduces the fat content and adds flavor to your dishes.
  10. Lemon or Lime Juice: In sautéing and stir-frying, you can use citrus juice as a healthy alternative to oil. It adds a zesty flavor while reducing the need for added fats.
  11. Wine or Vinegar: When deglazing or adding flavor to a dish, you can use wine or vinegar instead of oil. These liquids add acidity and flavor while minimizing added fat.

When using these healthy oil substitutes, be mindful of the specific cooking method and recipe requirements. Not all of these alternatives will work in every situation, but with experimentation, you can discover which option best suits your needs while maintaining a focus on healthier cooking practices.

Substitutes for Vegetable Oil in Cooking Chicken:

When you’re cooking chicken and need a substitute for vegetable oil, there are several alternatives that can impart unique flavors and textures to your dishes. Here are some great substitutes for vegetable oil in cooking chicken:

  1. Olive Oil: Using extra virgin olive oil as a replacement for vegetable oil provides a nutritious and flavorful option. It adds a rich, fruity flavor to chicken dishes. Use it for sautéing, roasting, or marinating.
  2. Butter: Butter adds a rich and creamy taste to chicken. You can use it for pan-searing, sautéing, or basting. Clarified butter (ghee) is a great choice as it has a higher smoke point.
  3. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a fantastic option for adding a tropical twist to your chicken dishes. It has a subtle coconut flavor and is ideal for sautéing and stir-frying.
  4. Avocado Oil: Avocado oil is a healthy alternative with a mild flavor. It has a high smoke point, making it suitable for high-heat cooking methods like grilling and roasting.
  5. Chicken Broth: To reduce the fat content, you can use chicken broth or stock as a substitute for oil when cooking chicken. It’s perfect for braising and poaching.
  6. White Wine: White wine can be used to cook chicken, especially in recipes like chicken piccata or chicken marsala. It adds depth and acidity to the dish.
  7. Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is a healthy and low-calorie option for cooking chicken. It provides a bright, citrusy flavor and can be used for marinating or deglazing.
  8. Yogurt or Buttermilk: Using yogurt or buttermilk as a marinade can add moisture and a tangy flavor to chicken, especially before grilling or baking.
  9. Mustard: Dijon or whole-grain mustard can be used to coat chicken before roasting or grilling. It imparts a tangy and subtly piquant taste.
  10. Soy Sauce or Teriyaki Sauce: For Asian-inspired chicken dishes, you can use soy sauce or teriyaki sauce as a substitute for oil. These sauces add a savory and umami flavor.

When using these substitutes, consider the flavor profile you want to achieve for your chicken dish. Each option has its unique characteristics and works best in specific recipes. Adjust the quantity and method of cooking to ensure the best results and to suit your taste preferences.

Substitutes for Vegetable Oil in Cooking Bread:

When baking bread and you need a substitute for vegetable oil, there are several alternatives that can impart unique flavors and textures to your homemade loaves. Here are some great substitutes for vegetable oil in bread recipes:

  1. Butter: Melted or softened butter is a rich and flavorful substitute for vegetable oil in bread recipes. It adds a buttery taste and richness to the bread.
  2. Olive Oil: Extra virgin olive oil can be used in place of vegetable oil for a different flavor profile. It provides a subtle fruity and slightly peppery taste to your bread.
  3. Coconut Oil: Unrefined coconut oil, in its liquid state, can be used as a substitute. It imparts a subtle coconut aroma and flavor to the bread, which works well with certain recipes.
  4. Applesauce: Unsweetened applesauce can be used as a low-fat alternative to vegetable oil. It adds moisture to the bread while reducing the fat content.
  5. Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt can replace vegetable oil in bread recipes, adding moisture and a slightly tangy flavor. It’s a good choice for healthier bread options.
  6. Pumpkin Puree: Pumpkin puree adds a unique sweetness and moisture to bread. It’s especially great in recipes like pumpkin or banana bread.
  7. Mashed Banana: Mashed ripe banana can be used to replace oil in certain bread recipes. It provides natural sweetness and a banana flavor to the bread.
  8. Nut Butter: Nut butters like almond or peanut butter can add richness and a nutty flavor to your bread. Use them in moderation, as they can affect the texture.
  9. Silken Tofu: Blended silken tofu can replace vegetable oil in some bread recipes. It adds moisture without altering the flavor significantly.
  10. Milk: In some bread recipes, you can use milk instead of vegetable oil. Milk adds moisture and a mild dairy flavor.

The choice of substitute will depend on the specific bread recipe and the flavor profile you wish to achieve. When making substitutions, keep in mind that they may affect the texture and flavor of your bread, so experimentation is key to finding the perfect alternative for your needs.

Best Practices and Tips:

Certainly! Here are some best practices and tips for substituting vegetable oil in your cooking and baking:

  1. Choose the Right Substitute: Consider the flavor and smoke point of the substitute when choosing one for your recipe. Some substitutes are better suited for specific dishes and cooking methods.
  2. Experiment in Small Batches: When trying a new substitute, start with a small batch to see how it affects the flavor and texture of your dish. This way, you can adjust as needed.
  3. Measure Accurately: Use the appropriate measurement when substituting. In most cases, you can use a 1:1 ratio, but it’s essential to follow your recipe’s requirements.
  4. Adjust Cooking Time and Temperature: Substitutes may affect cooking times and temperatures. Keep an eye on your dish to prevent overcooking or undercooking.
  5. Consider Flavor Profiles: Different substitutes have different flavors. Choose a substitute that complements the overall flavor profile of your dish.
  6. Maintain Health Goals: If you’re substituting for health reasons, be mindful of the fat and calorie content of the replacement. Some substitutions can reduce the fat content significantly.
  7. Be Wary of Allergens: If you or your guests have food allergies, make sure the substitute doesn’t contain allergens that could be problematic.
  8. Read Labels: When using store-bought substitutes like nut butters or coconut milk, check the labels for added sugars, preservatives, or undesirable ingredients.
  9. Consult Recipe Resources: Look for recipes specifically designed to use your chosen substitute, as these are more likely to provide the best results.
  10. Combine Substitutes: In some cases, you can use a combination of substitutes to achieve the desired outcome. For example, using a mix of mashed bananas and applesauce for extra moisture in baking.
  11. Gradual Transition: If you’re new to substituting, start by replacing only a portion of the oil and gradually increase the amount as you become more comfortable with the results.
  12. Take Notes: Keep a record of your experiments, noting the substitutes used and the results. This will help you refine your cooking skills over time.
  13. Use Fresh Ingredients: Quality ingredients, whether it’s the substitute or other components of your recipe, can greatly impact the final dish.
  14. Safety First: When deep-frying or cooking with high heat, be cautious and follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents.
  15. Enjoy the Process: Substituting can be a fun and creative way to experiment in the kitchen. Embrace the opportunity to discover new flavors and textures.

Remember that the best substitute for vegetable oil depends on the specific recipe and your taste preferences. Don’t be afraid to get creative and make your dishes unique with these alternatives.


Can I use olive oil in place of vegetable oil?

Yes, you can often use olive oil as a substitute for vegetable oil in cooking and baking. Many people opt for extra virgin olive oil because of its robust taste and nutritional advantages. However, keep in mind that olive oil has a lower smoke point compared to some vegetable oils, so it’s best used in low to medium-heat cooking or recipes where the olive oil’s flavor complements the dish.

What is a substitute for 1 cup of vegetable oil?

If you need a substitute for 1 cup of vegetable oil, there are several options to choose from. You can use an equal amount of melted butter, applesauce, Greek yogurt, or mashed bananas to maintain moisture and texture in your recipe. The choice of substitute depends on the flavor and texture you desire in the final dish.

Can I use butter instead of vegetable oil?

Yes, you can use butter as a substitute for vegetable oil in many recipes, particularly in baking. Butter adds a rich and creamy flavor to dishes, making it a popular choice. For a 1:1 substitution, use an equal amount of melted or softened butter. Just keep in mind that butter has a lower smoke point than some vegetable oils, so it may not be the best choice for high-heat cooking methods like deep-frying.

What can I use instead of vegetable oil in a baking mix?

When you’re using a baking mix and need a substitute for vegetable oil, there are several options. You can try using applesauce, Greek yogurt, or mashed bananas, which are common and healthier alternatives. These substitutes add moisture to your baked goods and work well in various recipes. Just ensure that the flavor profile matches your baking mix and the desired outcome for your dish.


In conclusion, having a variety of substitutes for vegetable oil in your culinary repertoire can help you create exciting dishes and adapt to different dietary needs. Whether you’re aiming for healthier options, unique flavors, or specific textures, these 10 substitutes will undoubtedly elevate your cooking game. So, the next time you find yourself out of vegetable oil, don’t fret experiment with these alternatives to discover a world of new tastes and possibilities in your kitchen.

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